Friday, May 29, 2009

Update on Annie

Annie has finally got a diagnosis. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. If you have a free moment, you might want to stop by, take a meal or just send a card. Thanks!!
Annie's address is 303-A Lamplighter Lane Waycross, Ga


I have a book recommendation: "Behind every good man: Helping your husband take the spiritual lead at home" BY: John Bytheway

"Obviously, the love of God and the spirit of contention cannot coexist. If we truely desire change and growth for ourselves and our spouses, then in our own homes, and in our own marriages, we can begin every single day by asking ourselves, What can I do today to bring the spirit of the Lord and the love of God into my home and in to my marriage?"

*Also read 4th Nephi about the 300 years of "no contention."

Also, Annie is not home right now, she is with Roy's family in Augusta, so if anyone has a card or anything to give her, they can just give it to me and I can sen them all to her.
thanks, Mandi

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wedding Shower

Wedding shower

Ashley Musgrove

When: Thursday, July 2nd
Time: 6:30
Where: Jamie Musgrove's home

Given by friends and family

June Enrichment

Come Walk a Day
in Our Shoes

Shoes are worn for different reasons, every pair has a story.
Just like shoes, women are in different seasons of their life, and every woman has a story.

Join us for our June Enrichment Meeting
When: June 11, 2009
Time: 7pm
Where: Relief Society Room

*Please bring a pair of shoes. Any shoes; big ones, little ones, slippers, dress shoes, running shoes, colorful shoes, drab shoes, shoes that fit, shoes that hurt the feet, etc. etc. etc. Then be prepared to tell your story about the pair of shoes you bring. If you would rather you may share your favorite scripture reference.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gator Mini-cheer camp

Dates: May 26-29 (Tues-Fri)
Grades : k-8
Time:8:00 am- 12 noon
Locations: WCHS performing arts center
Cost: $40 per person (checks payable to Ware county Cheer)

Participants should dress in t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. No jewerly. Hair in pony tail. Vending machine available so have money or bring drink with lid. Each person will be given a t-shirt and the end of camp.

Karen has a form she will get to you...just contact her...281-2540.

(this is not on form I have, but past years the girls went to one of the foot ball games and cheered before the game started!!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Don't forget Mutal has been moved to Wednesday this week. It is combined with 1st ward and it will begin at 6:30!

Baby sitter

Need A Baby Sitter Or Some Yard Work Done?
I have just the Young Women for you
*Laura Beth Bennett*
Give her a call at 285-3174 (home) or 286-2318 (cell)

She has her own transportation

Monday, May 4, 2009

Gallberry honey

Gallberry honey

5 gallon bucket --- $100.00
Great for food storage. Honey will last forever!

If you are interested in a bucket or splitting with others let Linda Bennett know. (285-3635 or 310--0248) This honey is being made by the bees right now. The stake must have 20 buckets sold to get it at this price. President Fields will only make the order if we have enough people interested for at least 20 buckets. I will know after May 11th if we have enough orders. If we do get enough orders the money will be due by May 30th (final date).

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Sisters, please remember Annie Musgrove in your prayers.


5/8 Emily Hester
5/9 Lavern Kirkland
5/9 Jamie Knight


Upcoming May Events

May 3 - 6pm Ward Fireside put on by the Young Women

May 3 - CES Fireside Young Adults

May 5 - 7 pm Mutal, Achievement & Cub Scouts

May 5 - 6:15 Missionary Coordination Mtg

May 5 - 7 & 9pm Women's softball

May 7 - 7 & 9pm Women's softball

May 8 - Stake Father and Son Outing

May 9 - Women's Conference

May 10 - Mother's Day

May 10 - No Bishopric or PEC

May 11 - 7pm Single Adult Fireside

May 13 - Youth night - Graduation
1st & 2nd Wards combined

May 16 - Second Ward Temple Trip

May 22 - Ware County High School Graduation

May 23 - Ware County Magnet Graduation

May 25 - Memorial Day